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The original version of this stylesheet and the associated (x)html is available at http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/pro_dropline.html Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Stu Nicholls. All rights reserved. This stylesheet and the associated (x)html may be modified in any way to fit your requirements. =================================================================== */ .nav { float: left; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px; height: 38px; position: relative; width: 800px; min-width: 800px; z-index: 500; } .nav-divider { background: url(../images/shared/nav/divider.jpg) top no-repeat; float: left; height: 40px; width: 15px; } .nav .table { display: table; } .nav .select, .nav .current { display: table-cell; float: left; list-style: none; margin: 0 0px 0 0; padding: 0; white-space: nowrap; } .nav li { float: left; height: auto; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .nav .select a { background: url(../images/shared/nav/pro_line_0.gif); color: #fff; display: block; float: left; height: 37px; line-height: 35px; padding: 0 20px 0 20px; text-decoration: none; white-space: nowrap; } .nav .current a { background: url(../images/shared/nav/pro_line_1.gif); color: #fff; display: block; float: left; height: 37px; 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border: none; border-left: none; color: #00CC33; cursor: pointer; display: block; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; line-height: 16px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 4px 0 0 6px; text-align: left; width: 130px; } /* STYLED CHECKBOXES AND RADIOS -------------------------------------------- */ .ui-radio-state-disabled, .ui-radio-state-checked-disabled, .ui-radio-state-disabled-hover, .ui-radio-state-checked-disabled-hover { color: #999; } span.ui-checkbox, span.ui-radio { background: url(../images/shared/checkbox.gif) 0 -17px no-repeat; display: block; float: left; height: 17px; width: 17px; } span.ui-helper-hidden { display: none; } label { padding: 2px; } span.ui-radio-state-hover, span.ui-checkbox-state-hover { background-position: 0 0px; } span.ui-checkbox-state-checked { background-position: 0 0px; } span.ui-checkbox-state-checked-hover { background-position: 0 0px; } span.ui-radio-state-checked-disabled-hover, span.ui-radio-state-checked-disabled, span.ui-radio-state-checked { background-position: 0 -161px; } span.ui-radio-state-checked-hover { background-position: 0 -17px; } label { color: red; line-height: 20px; } .ui-helper-hidden-accessible { left: -999em; position: absolute; } /* LOGIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #login-bg { background: url(../images/login/login_bg.jpg) no-repeat top center; } #login-holder { margin: 0px auto 0 auto; width: 508px; } #loginbox { background: url(../images/login/loginbox_bg.png) no-repeat; font-size: 12px; height: 212px; line-height: 12px; padding-top: 60px; position: relative; width: 508px; } #forgotbox { background: url(../images/login/loginbox_bg.png) no-repeat; display: none; font-size: 12px; height: 212px; line-height: 12px; padding-top: 60px; position: relative; width: 508px; } #login-inner { color: #161616; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px; line-height: 12px; margin: 0 auto; width: 310px; } #login-inner label { color: #161616; cursor: pointer; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; line-height: 12px; padding-left: 10px; } .checkbox-size { width:13px; height:13px; margin: 5px 0; } #login-inner th { padding: 0 0 6px 0; text-align: left; width: 95px; } #login-inner td { padding: 0 0 6px 0; } .login-inp { background: url(../images/login/inp_login.gif) no-repeat; border: none; color: #fff; font-size: 16px; height: 28px; padding: 6px 6px 0 10px; width: 204px; } #logo-login { float: left; height: 35px; margin: 145px 0 0 15px; } a.forgot-pwd { bottom: 30px; color: #161616; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 12px; position: absolute; right: 40px; } a:hover.forgot-pwd { color: #fff; } #forgotbox-text { color: #161616; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 12px; margin: 0 auto 40px auto; width: 380px; } #forgot-inner { color: #161616; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px; line-height: 12px; margin: 0 auto; width: 330px; } #forgot-inner label { color: #161616; cursor: pointer; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; line-height: 12px; padding-left: 10px; } #forgot-inner th { padding: 0 0 6px 0; text-align: left; width: 110px; } #forgot-inner td { padding: 0 0 6px 0; } a.back-login { background: url(../images/login/icon_back_login.gif) no-repeat 0 4px; bottom: 30px; color: #161616; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 12px; padding: 0 0 0 10px; position: absolute; right: 40px; } a:hover.back-login { color: #fff; } .submit-login { background: url(../images/login/submit_login.gif) no-repeat; border: none; cursor: pointer; display: block; height: 29px; text-indent: -3000px; width: 73px; } .submit-login:hover { background: url(../images/login/submit_login.gif) no-repeat 0 -29px; }